Bankruptcy FAQ

Do you have questions about bankruptcy? If debt is making things hard financially, Elite Document Service, can help. 

Relieve Debt and Restore Credit

Have any of these questions crossed your mind?

1. Can I keep my car? I want to exclude it from the bankruptcy.

The vehicle must be included. You must state your intention whether to repay or surrender. All debt must be included.

2. Does bankruptcy ruin your credit?

Initially, you will see a decline in your credit score. However, it is possible to re-establish credit during and post-bankruptcy.

3. I own my home, I do not want to include my home in my bankruptcy.

It is best that you seek the legal advice of a qualified bankruptcy attorney to assist you.

4. Must I have an attorney to do a bankruptcy?

No. You are not obligated to hire an attorney to represent you in a bankruptcy proceeding. You may represent yourself. If you decide to represent yourself you will be considered pro-se which is Latin for on one’s own behalf.

5. How can I stay informed about my bankruptcy case?

You may obtain an account through the US Pacer system by clicking this link

6. I have assets that I want to keep, but I need to file.

Unfortunately, the law prohibits petition preparers from exempting your assets. However, you can exempt your own assets. Click this link for a list of VA Bankruptcy exemptions or consult an attorney to assist you.

7. I am married, but my credit is poor. My spouse’s credit is satisfactory. Must he/she file with me?

Your spouse is not required to file bankruptcy with you.

8. I have an active garnishment, can you stop the garnishment on my behalf?

Once you are actively in bankruptcy, that will be your responsibility to contact your payroll provider and/or the creditor regarding stopping that garnishment

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